Your PathWays to Family Harmony
Brain PathWays™ identifies sources of family conflict and misunderstanding in unhappy marriages, improves marriage communication and family communications, and increases family harmony.
Knowing each other’s neuroscience strengths is the express pathway to understanding one another better, minimizing conflict and aligning family tasks with strengths. One family member may tend to have “left brain” strengths resulting in the ability to use logic, organize and take care of practical family matters while another is more “right brained”, intuitive, imaginative and creative. One person may be wired for verbal communication and feel the other is “not listening,” another may need to see the situation visually to gain understanding and get a clear picture. Many people have a strong “gut feel” about situations and move into immediate action without having to talk about it.

Brain wiring differences often emerge as misunderstandings and conflicts in communication. Brain PathWays™ is the “bridge” that unites differences, leverages strengths, improves communication and increases respect.
The survey is appropriate for ages 14 and above.
• Each family member’s brain pathway strengths and blind spots
• Effective communication tools for the whole family
Reasons for family conflict and ways to eliminate it
• Strategies for helping your children achieve academic success
• Enhanced love and respect for your significant other