Career PathWays Testimonials
The Brain PathWays™ neuroscience assessment and customized report is a science based product with seven powerful navigation tools for four priority life journey pathways: Personal, Career, Student and Family. The following Career PathWays Testimonials are from people like you: 
- Searching for the job of their dreams
- Changing careers
- Wanting to experience greater job security and fulfillment
- Desiring to know and grow their strengths
- Wanting to reduce workplace stress
- Needing to get more done in less time
“Your story” of how Brain PathWays improved your quality-of-life or has given you breakthrough insights may be an inspiration to someone like yourself. Please consider sharing your experiences by contacting us at
“The benefits of Brain PathWays will stay with you for life.”
“Having been involved in corporate and not-for-profit consulting and training programs over many years, it’s been a natural (though sometimes numbing) expectation to ‘process’ clients through the normal ‘psycho-profiling’ tools known to most consultants and trainers today. The value of learning personality types IS great and it DOES provide relevant insight to the crossovers and differences which categorize and explain our individual and group life and work styles. But knowing this information and being able to really put it to work immediately for personal growth, productivity and performance are very different things.
Along comes Brain PathWays, a streamlined, up-to-date, ‘user-friendly version of the well-documented and proven Brain Mode Power – a time-tested and magnificent self-discovery tool which has proven its mettle in the corporate and institutional realms for some time. It’s quick: about 10 minutes. It’s simple: online multiple choice selections. It’s EXHILARATING: and YOUR customized, in-depth report is available to you almost instantaneously!
For nearly two decades now this product has proven itself to be statistically valid and unwaveringly accurate in its work and life style classifications. Not only is this valuable for understanding your own ‘style’ but for understanding HOW YOU LEARN and HOW YOU ABSORB AND PROCESS information presented to you. Your awareness of YOU will immediately translate into a much clearer perspective on how others in your work or social environments LEARN, INTEGRATE and THINK. Other people’s styles becomes much clearer as you begin to understand yourself to a much deeper level – oh no, don’t think of this as a shot in the arm and a pat on the back - the benefits of Brain PathWays will stay with you for life!
Stretch. Think about ‘super teams’ assembled by balancing various types of ‘learners’ and ‘processors’ to accommodate your unique project’s defined objectives. The sky is clearly not the limit in ways you can use this tool to your personal, group or client’s benefit! And don’t forget to have fun in the process!”
Steve Runkel
Business/Asset ‘Value Enhancement’ Consultant
Denver, CO
“Productivity enhancers may be my favorite feature.”

“I am a Virtual Assistant very attuned to the importance of visual accuracy, productivity and understanding what my clients want me to do. After taking the on-line instrument – very user friendly and flows well – I learned that my strengths were visual and auditory. My thinking strength leans sequential (paying attention to order, logic, processes and schedules). I found it interesting how my strengths and preferences aligned with my career choice. Productivity enhancers may be my favorite feature. They provide very simple, practical applications for improving performance in areas where you may be weak and for maximizing on your strengths. What I like most is that creating the best effective environment for a task doesn’t require extensive preparation or expense. Very simple environmental changes can make a big difference. One of the biggest benefits of this product is in gaining the insight required to align and communicate effectively with others. When you realize that other people learn and think differently, you can apply that knowledge to begin to communicate with them instead of talking at them. Brain PathWays gives us a better idea of how to make the best use of our strengths on a personal level, whether it’s through pursuing a suitable career, accelerated learning, increased productivity or improved communications. I learned that sensory and cognitive pathways do change over time, so it’s important to reassess occasionally in order to work and communicate most effectively. The Stress Reduction section is a wonderful addition – very timely and relevant. I enthusiastically recommend this product. The knowledge and insights gained can be applied by anyone, in any situation, to make positive changes to the way they work and live.”
Char West
Virtual Assistant, Outer Office, LLC
Denver, CO
“I was amazed there was so much personalized information about me.”
“I am a Chiropractor specializing in Clinical Kinesiology. After taking the survey I learned that my primary sensory strength is Kinesthetic followed by Visual. This certainly validated my career path and the activities I enjoy the most – hands-on, movement, touch and observing people and situations. I was happy to see Chiropractic listed in my Career Guide as a possible career. Actually, I was intrigued looking over the extensive list of occupational categories and job titles fitting my strengths. I was thinking how this would have been a great help to me before making the decision to enter Logan College of Chiropractic in 1990.The survey was fun to do, easy to complete and took less than 10 minutes. The report was produced immediately and the information it contained was valuable, thought provoking and right on the mark.You provide fabulous information in a fine product. I was amazed that there is so much personalized information about me in the 15 plus pages. In today’s society it seems people want instant and magical results. It took me 45 minutes to read the report and get me thinking more deeply about my career choices and strengths. I hope others will do the same.”
Bill Billotti, DC
Clinical Kinesiology
Staten Island, NY
“I am reluctant to spend money on assessments….this one can help me make more money and like my life better.”
“I am reluctant to spend money on assessments after experiencing previous reports that gave me awareness about my personality and behaviors (Myers Briggs and DISC) without telling me how I can change things or use the results to make my life better. After taking the on-line survey and getting my report, I now understand that this can help me make more money and like my life better.
I learned that I am a Highly Integrated thinker. This explained why I approached many career roles differently than they have been historically done. I need a challenging and assorted combination of right brain and left brain activities to keep me interested and motivated to go to work each day and be the best that I can be. The report validated my strengths and raised my morale that I was born to play a very special role in life.
What I really liked about the report was gaining a better understanding of my thinking style (Highly Integrated) and how I can align my strengths to opportunities in my current job. I hope my co-workers go through the same process so we have the ability to understand each other better and know what drives us.
I feel strongly that everyone should understand their natural gifts and how to seek out a career that they can thrive in. I am thinking about gifting friends and family with this product to encourage family harmony and helping them find their way in life.
Thank you very much for creating this incredible assessment. It has had a profound effect on how I see my talents and how I will use them in the future to be most effective.”
Kevin Burford
Vice President, Business Development
St. Louis, MO