Student PathWays Testimonials
The Brain PathWays™ neuroscience assessment and customized report is a science based product with seven powerful navigation tools for four priority life journey pathways: Personal, Career, Student and Family.
The following Student PathWays Testimonials are from people like you:
- Preparing for college for the first time or career retooling
- Wondering about a college major or career you naturally excel in.
- Experiencing a family member struggling with academic success
- Wanting to decrease stress from examinations and learning new things.
- Desiring to increase free time by decreasing study and homework time
- Needing to accelerate learning and make excellent grades
“Your story” of how Brain PathWays improved your quality-of-life or has given you breakthrough insights may be an inspiration to someone like yourself. Please consider sharing your experiences by contacting us at
“Whether you are looking to improve at your career or at school, or your overall quality of life, this product is for you.”
“Brain PathWays has been one of the most helpful and self-educational learning tools I have ever used. This product has expanded my knowledge regarding learning and the intake and processing of information greatly.
Being a student, the only obstacle that would have prevented me in purchasing this product was not having any money!! This though, did not stop me.
The report results and ideas on how to use my strengths seem endless. I finally was able to identify with the style(s) in which I learn and
take in new information. I am primarily a visual and kinesthetic learner and lean toward sequential, left brain thinking. I would find myself struggling in lecture halls in school and noticed my attention was not where I needed it to be for this style of instruction. With my Brain PathWays assessment and accelerated learning tools I was finally beginning to understand why I was struggling and learned new ways to help me soak in the information being handed to me. This has made me feel better about myself, reduced some stress and helped me make better grades.
The specific feature of the product that has been most beneficial to me is the ‘creative sensory pathway.’ Putting my ‘weak point’ into perspective as being a catalyst to access my inner creativity was extremely enticing and exciting. Since gaining this knowledge I have strengthened my ‘weak point’, auditory skills. I found myself becoming more aware of this ‘pathway’ and saw improvements almost immediately. I exercise my wonderful (brain) muscle every day and it only becomes stronger!
Every point of Brain PathWays has improved my skills at school, my job, and at home. I highly recommend this product for anyone. Whether you are looking to improve at your career or at school, or your overall quality of life, this product is for you.
I enjoyed reading the section on career recommendations. I began to think ‘outside the box’ once I read this on my assessment. Though I did not change careers after reading this, it drastically improved my performance at my job by using my personal productivity tools and understanding how to communicate more effectively with my boss and co-workers who process information differently than me.” Thank you Brain PathWays!
Emily Davis
Clayton, MO
“I would absolutely recommend this product.”
“In academia it is often difficult to justify the purchase of products that do not have a distinctly measurable benefit to the department; however, I believe that the benefits of this product would be considerable for two major reasons. Firstly, it would allow professors to
identify their individual learning styles, to understand why they are, for example, more comfortable with PowerPoint lectures than lab demonstrations, and to allow them to develop their creativity and investigate other means to convey the message to the students. Secondly, it would provide the professor with advance information about new cohorts of students, allowing him/her to select materials, media and activities that were better tied to the needs of the group, thus enhancing the overall learning experience, rather than taking a 'one-size-fits-all' approach.
I was amazed how many of the pieces suddenly fell into place regarding my learning, teaching and thinking styles. Suddenly I could see why I function much better in a webinar or with a hand-out than in a conference call (I'm a Visual – Kinesthetic-Auditory learner and a Sequential Thinker) and I made positive plans to identify places in the projects that I currently have on-board where I should recruit people with complementary skills.
What I liked most about this product was the ease of use. It was simply, quick and yet gave amazingly insightful and specific results. It encourages people to think about what they do, why they do it and how they could be more effective in communicating at all levels. That is invaluable in almost all industries and careers and allows for much more efficient use of time and resources.
I would absolutely recommend this product. It was simple, easy to use, non-repetitive and used language that was easy to understand both in the questions and the report. In the 24 hours since I took the test, it has provided me with so many thoughts and talking points, I'm having to write them all down (Visual and Kinesthetic again....) to remember them! This is a great product.”
Dr. Jude Capper
Assistant Professor of Dairy Science
Pullman, WA